Store That Canary Wharf Talks Summer Solstice Storage

I’m sure much of you were aware that this Wednesday marked the world’s Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year. Following this annual event, we started thinking ahead towards the colder months, where we start packing away our bikinis and flip-flops and pulling out our knitted sweaters and snow boots. And more importantly, we began thinking about the storage needed for our extensive summer wardrobes.

Here at Store That Self-Storage Canary Wharf, we have put together the right ways to store your summers clothes ahead of next year.

Keep it Clean

Before you store away your summer clothes, give them a quick wash or dry clean – and make sure it’s completely dry before packing it away. Not only will these keep your outfits completely fresh for the next time you wear them, but also you prevent moths getting to your fabrics.

Get the Right Boxes

While we’re lovers of the classic cardboard box, for clothes, it’s best to store them using plastic crates. Cardboard boxes contain chemicals that can transfer onto clothing and stain or damage them, as well as attracting pests with the proteins in the glue. Instead, these plastic crates are waterproof and able to protect your clothes from pest damage.

However, make sure your boxes are not completely airtight; some materials such as wool and natural fibers will need to breathe.

Watch Out for Special Items

You may have a number of special pieces within your summer closet that you want keeping safe such as a wedding dress. We suggest wrapping these items in acid-free tissue paper to prevent creasing and damage.

At Store That Self Storage E14, we have a range of packing materials including tissue paper to protect your valuables.

Consider The Professionals

If you are worried about your home storage not being good enough to protect your summer clothing, why not have a professional look after it for you?

Store That London Docklands have a number of storage units available for summer wardrobe storage, in sizes of 20 – 150sqft just a stones-throw away from Canary Wharf.

To find out more information about our secure and reliable self storage units in E14, call 0207 5151 300.