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3 Top Tips For Decluttering Your Home

With summer fast approaching it’s the perfect time to use these still rather chilly weeks to have a clear-out ready for the barbecue and bikini season. While Store That Canary Wharf cannot promise to help you empty the cupboards; our secure storage units in E14 can make the clear-out a whole lot easier.

So, whether you’re tackling the garden and tools in the shed; or clearing out the spare bedroom, here are Store That’s 3 top tips to help you get through it!

Take Your Time

Start by setting yourself a time limit; be realistic with the time you should spend sorting through your belongings. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely clear your house, so instead set realistic; achievable goals such as throwing away as many old clothes from your wardrobe as you can in ten minutes.

Step By Step

Instead of rushing around trying to get all your belongings sorted and ordered. Pick a certain spot that needs clearing such as your kitchen cupboards or the wardrobe in the spare room. Once you have finished sorting the belongings in this area of the home, move onto your next chosen area. By breaking down the tasks they are much more achievable and you will feel more inclined to do more.

Make Piles

When you are sorting your belongings out, remember to make orderly piles of your items. These could be stacks for ‘keeping’; ‘charity’; ‘throw away’ and ‘put away’. If you find out that you are the sentimental type during your bank holiday clean, keep items in a ‘maybe’ pile so you can keep a close eye on these and if they haven’t been used within a predetermined period they should be discarded.

Not sure you can get rid of your ‘maybe’ pile just yet, but want it out of the house for good? Why not place them in Store That’s storage units! With 24-hour in house security and 24/7 CCTV, your belongings will be kept safe in one of our secure units for when you want to get rid properly.

To find out how Store That E14 can help you to tackle your next big clear-out, why not get in touch with our team on 0207 5151 300?