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How Businesses Can Benefit From Self-Storage In East London

Businesses are forever growing and evolving, the form they took at their inception very rarely matches that of five years down the line. Whether it’s a case of a growth in the size of the business itself, and the number of employees they have on their payroll, or whether the business decided to go in another direction, the business world is one that’s forever changing. Indeed, I’m not sure that the word static is one that enters into the vocabulary of business owners or entrepreneurs. There are many times in which these changes necessitate self-storage in East London, and the team here at StoreThat E14 wanted to look at just some of them.

More Employees, Less Space

Not every business is gifted with acres of spare office space at their disposal. In fact, most aren’t. There are two options, then, when an MD wants to bring on someone new into the team. They can either hire more office space, perhaps another floor or few rooms of the building, or they can free up existing space using office storage in London. The former option, even if actually viable (which oftentimes it isn’t) is costly, and most companies don’t have that sort of money to throw around. The latter option, however, is much more viable. Most office spaces have rooms or areas which are purely used for storage means. If you hire out self-storage in East London (which, might we add, is far more cost-effective than renting increased square footage) then space is freed, enabling you to place another desk for a new employee, for example!

Records Are Crucial

Security is often a big concern of companies, and understandably so. Businesses often hold valuable confidential information regarding their clients, and whilst we may be continually digitising our approach towards record-keeping, many businesses still utilise physical records for their archives. If the office space you rent out doesn’t seem to you the most secure, then this can cause CEOs even more anxiety. An easy solution, therefore, is to keep the physical records secure using self-storage in East London. Facilities such as Store That E14 feature around-the-clock CCTV footage as well as secure units and in-house security on top of that. Given that breaches of personal information can fairly easily sink a business, keeping your records safe under lock and key is something you can’t afford not to do.

Excess Stock

Every company has fallow periods, and if your company is products or goods-based, there invariably come times when you’re left with excess stock on your premises. Usually, this isn’t even as a result of a poor period of trading, just as a result of the seasons – Christmas, for example, is obviously the key period of sales for many businesses, throughout the UK. This is stock that you don’t want to get rid of, necessarily, because you could most definitely still turn a profit from it. An effective way to house this stock until you need it again is by storing it away in self-storage in East London. This provides an economical means of tiding yourself over until the sales season. It also gives you peace of mind, knowing that thieves aren’t going to be pilfering your stock from a warehouse anytime soon, either!

Ultimately, most businesses would benefit from self-storage options in some way or another. Whether it’s space or security concerns, it provides an incredibly effective solution. So, if you’d like to find out more about our self-storage in East London, then get in touch! Contact StoreThat E14 today on 020 7515 1300.