The Transition for Autumn: using a self-storage container to prepare for a new season

We all spend September in a fashion limbo; it’s not cold enough for winter; it’s not warm enough for summer. Here at Store That, we say that cleaning isn’t just for Spring. Maybe it’s time to get a self-storage container and shift that summer wardrobe because, let’s face it, it’s not getting any warmer! It’s not only your wardrobe that needs a shift. We’ve put together a blog covering the ways to use a self-storage container to prepare for autumn. 

Wardrobe shift

The autumn brings crisp leaves, a chill in the air, and an opportunity to show off some new autumnal outfits. If you are like most of the country, your summer wardrobe is overflowing, and there is absolutely no room to incorporate that new autumnal flare. Now summer is over, those clothes can be stored safely in a storage unit, ready for next year! This way, your wardrobe is refreshed and de-cluttered, and you don’t have to throw away any of the clothes you love.

Garden furniture

Yes, it’s time to put that garden furniture away. It’s wishful thinking, but realistically, the warm weather has passed us by. Autumn brings wet weather and possible storms which, if you have outdoor furniture, can be a nightmare. Store That can house your table and chairs until you’re ready to bring them out next year when the sun is shining!

Play equipment  

With the kids returning to school and the cold settling in, that outdoor play equipment is going to need to go into storage. If you live somewhere with a limited garden space, you might not have room for your own shed. A Store That self-storage container can act as your shed away from home. When it rolls around to summer again, just pop back and pick up your swing balls and your bikes! 


Another item that needs to go into storage is your barbecue. Gone are the summer days where friends and family can gather for a long summer’s night of food and drink. It’s time to pop your barbecue into storage so it’s safe from the elements until you can have outdoor parties again.

Just a good old de-clutter

There’s nothing wrong with a good de-clutter. Clearing your space is proven to help with productivity, mental health and overall well-being. As we head into the colder months, you might be tempted to let things pile up – start your cleaning process now by shifting everything into a self-storage container! This way, your space will be clean and tidy, and you don’t have to throw anything away. 

Contact Us

Autumn is fast approaching (some are saying it’s already here), so before you grab your Pumpkin Spice Latte, get yourself a self-storage container. Store That have a range of containers for you to choose from and an in-house security team, so you can be assured your belongings are in safe hands. Get in touch with our friendly team today, or call us on 020 7515 1300.