Organising your kitchen cupboards with Store That E14

The kitchen is the heart of the home. A place for jollity, good smells, flavours, and pleasant chatter. This can all be difficult to achieve when the drawers and cupboards are heaving with randomly placed pots, utensils, spices, jars, plates and anything else that has been thoughtlessly crammed into the tiniest of free spaces.

But fear not! Store That is here to advise you on the best ways of organising your cupboards and keeping your kitchen clutter free and easily manoeuvrable. 

Be logical

Making sure to assign a space for every item will help you to keep your kitchen as organised as possible. You could always take a leaf out of Julia Child’s book and coat your kitchen walls with pegboards, ready to be equipped with all your pots and pans. This might be taking it a little far for the average kitchen owner however, but a desire to store your utensils logically can certainly be found in this idea.

Keeping the items you frequently use in easy to reach spots is essential, whilst items that hardly get any use, like a turkey baster for example, can be stored away in a less visited cabinet. If possible, try and group items that are frequently used together in the same spot. Having a complete rearrange can be a little confusing at first, but if you’ve given everything a sensible home then retrieving and replacing your kitchenware should soon feel like second nature.

Out of site, out of mind

When tubs, jars and any other food substances are pushed to the back of your pantry and hidden behind other items, it’s easy to forget about them. The same goes for any other sort of kitchenware. If you struggle with a cluttered kitchen, there’s every chance that you’ve always had the item you need but it’s been left hidden and forgotten about.

Aim to fix this issue by storing everything sensibly and visibly. Maximising your storage space may be necessary in doing this. Things like stacked shelves, clear storage containers and lazy susans can help with this issue. Get creative with your storage space; perhaps you can use a magazine rack to hold your hard-to-stack cans, or keep your spices or snacks in an over-the-door shoe holder hanging on the inside of your pantry door.


The main and essential tip in restoring peace and tranquility to your kitchen is to declutter! Odds are that you have a variety of utensils, and bits and bobs that are never going to get any use. There’s no way you can effectively rearrange your cooking space without taking the time to unload any items that are just gathering dust. Take an afternoon to go through your kitchenware and work out what you truly need and what you can do without.

There may be certain things that you have never used but feel like you might need in the future. Well, that’s just one of the countless reasons to take advantage of the storage containers for rent we have here at Store That Canary Wharf. 

If you would like to find out more about our secure self-storage E14, get in touch with us on 020 7515 1300 or email us at